Published on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 at 10:54:42 AM
As children grow it is important to monitor their development to promote healthy lifestyles and identify any health problems at an early stage. Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (GRAMS) is driven to strengthen children and young people’s wellbeing by partnering with schools to deliver health initiatives.
Last week Dr Carter and School Health Nurse Elissa from GRAMS Murchison Outreach Service spent half a day at Cue Primary School, for Health Check Day. This was the second Health Check Day at Cue Primary School this year, how fantastic! Health checks are designed to assess a child’s physical health and wellbeing to ensure they are progressing healthily.
A delicious spread of cold meats (thanks to Mount Magnet Butcher), fresh bread rolls, fruit, salad and fruity icy poles were supplied by GRAMS for lunch. Families, students and staff were all invited. It was great to see lots of kids at school on this day, family members, community members and teachers join in for lunch.
Dr carter enjoyed chatting with families and engaging with all the kids.
“It is important that families engage with health services so that kids can be screened and any issues picked up earlier, rather than later” – Dr Crater.
School Health Nurse Elissa shares how important health checks are to ensure the children are growing healthy, happy, and strong.
“The checks include measuring height and weight, checking; hearing, sight, skin, hair, teeth and anemia screening,” said Elissa.
Health checkups provide an opportunity to encourage young children to lead healthy lives and close the gap in life expectancy. Child health assessments can be done at the GRAMS health clinics in Geraldton, Mount Magnet and Carnarvon by calling their respective numbers. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s development, please speak to one of our health professionals.

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